Monday, September 30, 2019

Health Priorities in Australia Essay

1. Using measures of epidemiology, investigate the health status of Australians. Health status is a holistic concept that is determined by more than the presence or absence of any disease. It is often summarised by life expectancy or self-assessed health status, and more broadly includes measures of functioning, physical illness, and mental wellbeing. Epidemiology is the study of disease in groups or populations through the collection of data and information, to identify patterns and causes. The measures of epidemiology are: Mortality- refers to the number of deaths in a given population from a particular cause and/or over a period of time. Infant Mortality- refers to the number of infant deaths in the first year of life, per 1,000 live births. Morbidity- is the incidence or level of illness, disease or injury in a given population. Life Expectancy- is the length of time a person can expect to live. More specifically, it refers to the average number of years of life remaining to a person at a particular age, based on current death rates. In Australia, the median age of death among the entire population in 2007 was 80.5 years old. In 2011 that statistic had risen to 81.5 years old, an increase of one year to the average life. In both years the leading cause of death among Australians was circulatory diseases (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) and the second leading cause in both years was cancer. Although the percentage of cancer deaths rose from 29.2% proportion of totals deaths to 29.8% and the percentage of circulatory disease deaths dropped from 33.8% of the populations deaths down to 31%. In the past 100 years the infant mortality rate as decreased by 95%, from more than one in ten deaths in the first year of life (100+ deaths per 1000 live births) to one in 200 deaths in the first year of life (5 deaths per 100 live births). This can be attributed to improved health education, public sanitation, improved medical diagnosis and improved support services for parents and new born babies. Most infant mortalities are caused by congenital malformations which are structural or functional anomalies which are present at the birth of a child, preventative causes of this disease are  improving the diet of women through their reproductive years, avoiding exposure to harsh environmental substances and improving vaccinations and health education. Information about the incidence and prevalence of the total population gives a broader perspective on the nation’s health than just the mortality statistics. Australia’s population has a lowering incidence of asthma and rising survival rate of cancer although since 1984 the incidence of five major cancers has risen (Breast, Prostrate, Melanoma, Colorectal and Lung) and a report from SMH in 2008 shows 7.4 million people are overweight or obese and the prevalence of diabetes climbs rapidly, along with these problems the amount of people affected by STI’s has risen to more than 230 per 100,000 people. According to AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) Australia is one of the healthiest nations in the world although Indigenous Australians lag behind in their health status. Australians live the second longest lives in world, behind Japan. The average Australian citizen will live to be 81.4 years old. And trends indicate that the expectancy of males and females is growing, since 2000 the life expectancy of males has grown from 77.4 years old to 79.7 years old, an increase of 2.3 years. The life expectancy of females since 2000 has grown from 82.6 up to 84.2, an increase of 1.6 years. This increase in the life expectancy of Australian residents indicates that their health is improving, with the help of increased knowledge and improved health services. Taking all of this information into account, using measures of epidemiology, the health status of Australians can be said to be relatively good compared with that of other nations. The improved health services and new discoveries in the health sector along with increased knowledge about health from the population also indicates that the health status of Australians may be improving. 2. Explain how health promotion, based on the Ottawa Charter, reflects social justice principles. Health promotion is a combination of science, medicine, practical skills and beliefs aimed at maintaining and improving the health of all people. The Ottawa Charter for health promotion promotes social justice as it incorporates the idea of giving all members of  the community access to health services and attempts to rule out inequities in differing communities. The Ottawa Charter does this through its five action areas: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. All five of these action areas provide a building block for health promotions. The four principles of social justice are: Equity, Access, Participation and Rights. The way equity is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter is through the action areas Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as these three areas bring together people onto an equal level and give specific help to those who need it, creating equity in communities. Access is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter t hrough the action area Reorient Health Services, as this area of the charter aims to bring together health services, governing bodies and other health professionals in an attempt to give more adequate access to health services to those who need it. Also reflected is Participation, which can be based on the Ottawa Charter action areas through Building Healthy Public Policy, Strengthen Community Action and Develop Personal Skills. This can be known as empowering the communities and bringing the communities the education and information needed to know more about their own health. Lastly, Rights is reflected in health promotion through the action areas Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as they attempt to give equitable opportunities for good health to all individuals. With these four social justice principles reflected in health promotion, the overall health of Australia can be improved, examples of this include: ‘Quit for you – Quit for two’ which promotes to pregnant women who smoke, who if they ceased their habit would be creating a more equal life for their expectant child and give them the right for an opportunity to good health. Another example would be the ‘Swap it’ campaign which aims at developing personal skills while creating equity through smart food choices. 3. Critically analyse how the action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through ONE health promotion initiative. â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† Campaign by the Cancer Council of Australia was created in 1980 and revolved around Sid the Seagull who gave a constant reminder of the easy ways that the population of Australia would be able to avoid skin cancer; slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat. 27 year later the ad was upgraded to include; seek shade and slide on sunnies, thus creating the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† song. The campaign aims to lower the prevalence and incidence of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through this campaign. The action areas are: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. Building Healthy Public Policy- Policies have been created due to increased awareness attributed to the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† campaign; a commonly known policy would be the â€Å"No Hat, No Play† policy used in schools. This is used by teachers to protect children from skin cancer risks in the playground. Advantages of this would be that children will be increasingly protected and parents are given peace of mind, and no noticeable disadvantages are created by this policy. Create Supportive Environments- A noticeable environment change caused by the increased awareness of skin cancers would the addition of shaded areas to many public places. This creates an environment for the public population that is protected from harmful Ultraviolet sun rays. An advantage of this are that people can be outside but protected from skin cancer risks while a disadvantage would be that most of these shaded areas come at the expense of nature, eg- destruction of trees and/or other natural features. Strengthen Community Action- Two initiatives related to the ‘Slip Slop Slap† would be the introduction of Cancer Centres to many rural areas and the Relay for Life, which is about raising funds for the Cancer Council. These two initiatives can create awareness of skin cancer, while the former can save lives. Only advantages are created by these two initiatives, which are; increased knowledge, funds gained for research and practical use, the ability to detect cancers and save lives. Develop Personal Skills- The campaign of â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† uses a jingle to educate the Australian population. The TV ad itself is an educational video, which creates awareness of skin cancers in Australia. This leads to increased knowledge of how to protect yourself and others from skin cancers. An advantage of this is that the Australian public is being educated in their own home by the TV, although a disadvantage is that they do not know that  they are being directly educated. Reorient Health Services- A health service which has become operational due to increased awareness of skin cancers is the Skin Cancer @ Bondi checks, where on the beach at Bondi you can have a skin cancer check. This leads to a safer beach, as beachgoers can be precautious and have a skin cancer check. Advantages of this are that the population can be on the beach and get their skin checked at the same time as well as not have to book into a skin cancer centre for the check. A disadvantage may be that the check may not be a thorough as one performed in a more professional environment. Overall, the introduction of the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap† campaign and the readjustment to â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slid e† campaign has increased the awareness and knowledge of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter are relevant to the campaign and Australia’s health priorities.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The goal of improving our educational system for the benefit

If there is one thing that binds all our readings together, it is the goal of improving our educational system for the benefit of our student and their future. Despite the debates actively taking place and the battles educational institutions are fighting for, there remains a consensus, a middle ground where all can meet and be in agreement. And that is the drive towards developing our children into the best individuals they can possibly be, ready to take on bigger and more challenging roles in the future.This development starts the moment life breathes into a child. This continues as he or she grows and matures. But we do not expect all children to develop at the same time, in the same manner, at the same pace, because as Tanner (1978) pointed out, children possess a â€Å"tempo of growth,† meaning, some â€Å"play out their growth andante, others allegro, a few lentissimo† (cited in Hetherington and Parke, 1993, p. 90).This fact led me to assess what theorist Vygotsky termed as â€Å"zone of proximal development† or ZPD in the playground and in my host teacher’s classroom to explore the â€Å"distance between the actual development level† of students as determined by their â€Å"independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined† by their â€Å"problem solving under adult supervision or in collaboration with more capable peers† (cited in Thomas, 2000, pp. 308-309). Since Vygotsky focused on cognitive and mental development in exploring children’s ZPD, my research will explore the physical signs of development by which students manifest ZPD.My observation started with kids in the playground. I watched as a group of children played – chasing each other, climbing poles, taking slides, swinging and running around, jumping in ropes, and exhibiting tons of energy.   I noticed their bodies are small and fragile, yet they are very strong and eager to engage in active and ti reless play. I picked two kids to talk to; one was a nine-year old boy, 4’9† tall and 110 lbs. heavy, and the other was a girl about the same age, 4’7† in height and appears relatively thin for her age. Both are actively engaged in playing with their friends, but differ in backgrounds, maturity, and level of reasoning and thinking.The girl came from humble roots, with only a relative to take care of her. I noticed a level of sincerity, maturity, and truthfulness for her age. She said she prefers studying more than playing because she regards education as a stepping stone to fulfill her dream of improving her family’s life. On the other hand, the boy came from an affluent family. As I was talking to him, I noticed that his mind was not in our conversation, as he continuously gazed at his playmates showing uninterested to my queries. He claimed he prefers playing than studying because he usually achieves the fun he wants in the playground and not in th e classroom.My journey in exploring children’s ZPD led me to my host teacher’s class in Laggard High School. Before the first period, Earth Science, I was introduced to the class and the students welcomed me with subtle smiles and greetings. I immediately took note of their different body structures that ranged from thin to big, but majority were of the normal structure for their age. My host teacher started the discussion with a recap of the previous lesson. This was her strategy to get students’ attention, at the same time, gauge the memory and knowledge of her students.She connected the previous topic with the lesson for the day for them to easily follow the discussion and thus, a smooth transition of topics. The students cooperated as they listened attentively to what she was saying. However, she disliked this silence because she wants her students to participate in the discussion by actively reciting or raising a question or clarification. Thus, she encoura ged them to raise their hand if they think and feel like they cannot follow what she was saying or they simply want to add or say something to the class. And so some students started raising their hands and stood up. One student seated at the back waved at her and asked her to repeat what she just said because this student did not hear clearly what the teacher said; another persistently raised her hand and called out to her, supplementing the discussion with some of her thoughts and ideas.Furthermore, my host teacher encouraged a collaborative style of learning, in which a student will assist another student in understanding the lessons. Not only does help come from my host teacher and her assistant teacher, but also from students themselves. The more capable students moved out from their chairs to go to their less capable classmates. They started opening their notes and engaged in chit-chats. One even pretended she was the teacher and went in front of the class to make a point. Ano ther used his forefinger to stress important facts in his notes at the same time made use of hand gestures to express himself. Others, who were being taught, simply nodded in agreement and thanked the more capable classmates for tutoring. This was a clear evidence of scaffolding or adjusting or modifying the kind and amount of support given to the students that is best fitted to their level of development (Hetherington and Parke, 1993, p.333).My host teacher, aware that her students have varied levels of knowledge absorption and mental capacity, modified the support she gives to the class by letting more capable students assist less capable ones, since she knows she cannot focus on each one of them. This allows the more capable students to share their knowledge and the less capable students to cope up with and follow the lessons, thus a harmonious classroom environment is encouraged and a uniform level of development is reached. Moreover, as I stayed longer in the classroom, I reali zed that students demonstrated ZPD only with the people they trust and respect.While some called my assistance, others still regarded me as an outsider and hesitated to ask for my help. I found this claim more evident in the next session, as some students grew noisy and unruly. With just one stern look or a thumbs-down signal from my host teacher and every single mouth shuts up. Therefore, for all students to reach the desired ZPD, more capable students, who possess the ability to solve problems on their own and with the help of their teacher, should help out those who cannot solve problems independently. Also, for ZPD to take effect, trust and respect should primarily be established.ZPD comes with time and effort. We can gauge students’ ZPD by their physical activeness either in the playground or in the classroom, as they energetically play with their playmates, and raise their hands in recitation or use hand gestures in expressing themselves, respectively. The physical deve lopment of one child does not rest solely on his or her height or weight, as both the two kids in the playground and the students in the classroom exhibited activeness and flexibility in their own ways.Furthermore, less physical development in children does not mean less emotional and cognitive development, as evident in the girl who demonstrated more maturity and intelligence in answering my queries, and the more capable students, of normal body structures, who established more knowledge and problem solving skills. In addition, the environment where a child grows up or lives in with creates a huge impact on his or her development, as manifested by the simple beginnings of the girl who valued education more than anything else, the affluent upbringing of the boy who considered playing as more important than studying, and the students in the classroom, taught by their teacher to value collaboration in learning.Although these are little signs of children’s physical development, these are significant indicators that will lead them to develop socially in their dealings with their parents, classmates, teachers, friends, and neighbors; emotionally in facing life and its situations maturely; and cognitively with a deep understanding of things and problem solving techniques. My research can help parents realize that they should give their children enough freedom to have fun and enjoy their childhood, but at the same time, instill the value of education. Teachers, too, can benefit from my research, in that they should encourage peer collaboration in the classroom for students to express themselves physically and cognitively. Learning about students’ ZPD is one way educational institutions can help guarantee that knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving, are imparted in our students, thus the goal of developing our children into the best individuals they can possibly be, is realized.ReferencesHetherington, E.M. and Parke, R. (1993). Child Psycholog y: A contemporary viewpoint(4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.Thomas, R.M. (2000). Comparing theories of child development (5th ed.). California:Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Building the Nation Future Leaders

Ma’am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at today’s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. It’s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: â€Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Country’s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But there’s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. â€Å"People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. † According to -Earl Nightingale. â€Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. † -Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. † â€Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. † â€Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. † I want you to â€Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. † According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, don’t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. There’s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? â€Å"You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. † -Les Brown, â€Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. † -Richard L. Evans. â€Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. † â€Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. † -Fitzhugh Dodson â€Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. – Anthony Robbins. â€Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. â€Å"- Nido Qubein. â€Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. â€Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and you’ll catch neither! â€Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. – Vincent Lombardi â€Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. – Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We don’t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. â€Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. â€Å"-Conrad Hilton. â€Å"It’s when things get rough and you don’t quit that success comes. † â€Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Don’t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠂¬ ¦ and the â€Å"big picture. † Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today’s rapidly evolving world). Don’t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. â€Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong process† which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept student’s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then don’t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DON’T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT Building the Nation Future Leaders Ma’am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at today’s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. It’s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: â€Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Country’s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But there’s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. â€Å"People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. † According to -Earl Nightingale. â€Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. † -Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. † â€Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. † â€Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. † I want you to â€Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. † According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, don’t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. There’s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? â€Å"You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. † -Les Brown, â€Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. † -Richard L. Evans. â€Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. † â€Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. † -Fitzhugh Dodson â€Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. – Anthony Robbins. â€Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. â€Å"- Nido Qubein. â€Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. â€Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and you’ll catch neither! â€Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. – Vincent Lombardi â€Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. – Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We don’t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. â€Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. â€Å"-Conrad Hilton. â€Å"It’s when things get rough and you don’t quit that success comes. † â€Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Don’t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠂¬ ¦ and the â€Å"big picture. † Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today’s rapidly evolving world). Don’t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. â€Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong process† which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept student’s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then don’t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DON’T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT

Friday, September 27, 2019

Formal Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal - Lab Report Example As often is the case, plants obtain oxygen and carbon from the air via the openings in the leaf. These openings are often referred to as the stomata. Additionally, the plants obtain all the other nutrients from the soil through their roots hairs from the soil. In attempts to understand the factors that affect growth and development of plants, an experiment was set to investigate the effect of nutrients deficiency on the growth of rye (Secale cereal) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). Introduction. For decades, the agricultural practice has been used to serve various functions. It is worth noting that the activity of crop production has been extensively been in use since 2000 years ago. Generally, agriculture has been experiencing many challenges around the globe with other places requiring production for purposes of the acquisition electronic components, which requires expansion to give out sufficient food for the growing population (Kasai 3). This implied that the current levels of produ ction need to be maintained in order to establish the appropriate balance between environmental concerns and intensive agriculture (Gonzalez-Reyes 3). The production of barley and rye is an area that requires much attention given that this field has involved the efforts of the agricultural scientists’ who are out to obtain attention in implementing and, innovating the improvised boosting yield methods (Heinonen 2). This becomes accomplished through the use of appropriate nutrition, high variety of yield, and measures of plant protection (Darley 2). It is also is responsible for the improvement of the practices of agronomics, creating source-sink relationships, and maintaining internal balance of hormones. This implies that the verge of getting to the ever-green era revolution, demands a detailed investigation concerning the nutrients application (Carystinos 2). This field has, however, been ignored by prior researchers. This implies that there exist a voluminous body of work on nutrients, yet the application is extremely limited. For this reason, this experiment was set to investigate the effect of nutrients to the growth of plants. Objectives of the experiment. The aim of the study was to develop the skills for planning and carrying out a scientific investigation, as well as establishing the effect of nutrients on the growth of plants. Research Questions. The following are the research questions: What are the steps taken in ensuring the reliability of the results? What is the effect of different treatments of nutrients on the growth of plants? How should soil be fertilized in order to enhance the growth of food crops? Hypothesis. H0: Increasing nutrients in plants does not increase the rate of growth of the plants. H1: Increasing nutrients in plants increases the rate of growth of the plants. Methodology. Apparatus. The materials and treatments used in this study include full complement of nutrients (N, P, K, S Ca, Mg, I, Fe), N-deficient (full complem ent minus N), and aged water. Procedure. Rye or Barley was grown in one of the three given solution treatments. The first treatment was the full compliment nutrients, the second treatment was the N-deficient treatment whereas the third was a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Midterm Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Midterm Question - Assignment Example Administrative support involves technical support, professional staff and instructional design. An administrator can handle this area by ensuring that members of the organization receive all these services in record time. Training involves exposing and educating the staff to new ways of handling tasks. An administrator should therefore ensure timely training for members of the organization. Incentives on the other hand involves providing things like grants, leave time, promotions and stipend. This encourages employees to give better out-put at the workplace. Communication involves keeping members abreast with changes taking place or necessary information in the organization (Boyd, Grossman, Ing, Lankford, Loeb & Wyckoff, 2011). Communication ensures proper work co-ordination in the organization and the administrator has the mandate of maintaining proper communication channels. The cost of employing the trainer and the extra-curricular benefits it will have on the school students. I would also factor in the possibility of the school employing the trainer without any strain on the school’s budget and have a detailed conclusion on having an athletics trainer (Pettigrew, 2014). I would use a tool that measures the coach’s ability to improve both the students sporting and academic prowess. My evaluation tool will encompass the use of graphs and checklists in evaluating the coach’s success. In doing this, I will use a test tool that evaluates critical elements such as the effectiveness of the coach’s-student training manual, activity roaster, student sporting ability improvement charts and student academic progress (ONeill, Albin, Storey, Horner & Sprague, 2014). The tool will enable me determine the whether the coach is successful or not depending on the graph index produced by student academic performance in relation to extra-curricular activities such as sports. The key aspects of facility management are communication, emergency

Marketing distribution management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing distribution management - Essay Example For instance, even though Windows 7 was a perfectly competent operating system, Microsoft felt the need to come up with a superior variant in Windows 8 which provides users with a more interactive interface with more engaging features. Microsoft’s primary market segment is that of teenagers and young adults. Its new line of products include Windows phones and tablets, as well as the Xbox One, which are all products demanded by people belonging to these age groups. The need to constantly innovate to protect market share due to the continuous emergence of inventive products, such as Android smartphones and PlayStation 4, by competitors remains the company’s biggest challenge. The recent outlay of $405 million on the marketing of Windows tablets is testament to this fact (Warren). Microsoft has traditionally held a very mature and adult like persona in the minds of the public due its strong association with Windows operating systems. However, the company has recently undergone a rebranding process of transforming its logos and portfolio (The Globe and Mail). Its entry in the tablets market and its acquisition of Nokia’s cellphone division and subsequent marketing of ‘Lumia’ has showcased that it now wants to appeal to a younger audience and portray itself as ‘cool’. However, it faces stiff competition with the likes of Apple, Samsung and HTC having already occupied that position and possessing greater experience in these markets. The Globe and Mail. Microsoft Rebrands: First New Logo in 25 Years. 23 Aug. 2012. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. Warren, Tom. "Microsoft to Spend $405 Million on Windows Marketing, Aims for 16 Million Tablet Sales." The Verge, 1 Nov. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2014.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Multimedia2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multimedia2 - Essay Example The use of charts, black board and different aid material viz. TLM (Teachers Learning Materials) in the classrooms from decades, itself provide the need for introduction of multimedia in learning process. The effective use of multimedia in teaching and learning helps the children to develop a range of skills. It widens the knowledge and understanding of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Childrens writing skills improve as they write and rewrite. Editing tools make it easier for them to draft and redraft their work. Motivation is raised because children can write for a real audience and because the presentation of work is impressive. Use of different drawing packages helps them draw pictures and using the digital cameras, video recording and recording their own voices and adding them in their presentation makes this an enjoyable medium for them to work in (Pillai). Shneiderman et al. (1995) discuss the effects of introducing technology into the classroom in terms of the paradigm shifts that result. All of the existing systems they discuss, and all of the attempts we know of, have one common feature that we are trying to avoid. Technology in the hands of the student usually translates into a workstation at each desk. This approach is fine, even necessary, for classes that involve computer-based activities (such as programming). We want to investigate the usefulness of alternative interfaces that are less intrusive and allow natural handwritten note-taking, such as pen-based laptops, PDAs, tablets, or palmtop PCs. According to Hill, M & Novelli, J (1994) â€Å"the simplicity and power of multimedia encourage teacher creativity and self-directed student learning. Its also a whole lot of fun!†. The learning by fun is always encouraged due to its emotional effect on psyche with no tension of learning and memorizing encumber in school syllabus for the examinations. The mind of the students will not be tired of knowledge and they will

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

K-12 national Education Technology Standards for teachers Essay

K-12 national Education Technology Standards for teachers - Essay Example Further they must become aware of the dangers of misusing these tools whether it is for publication purposes or for depending wholeheartedly on the accuracy and possible bias of electronic sources. Technologies available to teachers in K-12 education According to Hannafin and Vermillion (2008) the technologies that are available to teachers to facilitate teaching, learning and communications include ‘educational (nonadministrative) uses of computers, peripherals, curriculum and productivity software, personal digital assistants (PDAs and other wireless devices, as well as all Internet-enabled applications (e.g., e-mail, Web sites, Webquests, wikis, Massively Multi User Virtual Environments (MMUVEs), vidcasts, Web conferencing, online discussion boards, simulations, course management systems, games, simulations, podcasts, blogs, digital storytelling).’ Computers through the use of the Word processor for writing or Excel for Mathematics can be used to enhance reading and w riting, personal digital assistants which offer audio recording, the various Internet applications, and software has been created for almost every imaginable curriculum content therefore they should be available to teachers.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Telework Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Telework - Article Example In this dissertation, we have attempted to bring out crucial factors that have contributed to the success of telework as a work practice specifically in electronic business to consumer (B2C) context. Teleworking has become possible recently due to increased affordability and availability of suitable technology coupled with a need to tap specific talent and widen the labor base without compromising, rather significantly improving output of the organization. For this dissertation, the research was conducted within specific limitations of full time employees conducting e-business operations using information technology working away from the conventional workplace. It was also ascertained as to which personality types preferred to telework, why they preferred to do so and how the organization derived maximum benefit from their individual traits by providing them with suitable business programs and necessary technology. Discussions with individuals at various levels in an organization and also between organizations were held for good understanding of the behaviour of management and employees, as well as ascertain the dynamics of successful teleworking.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Motivation and Behavior Essay Example for Free

Motivation and Behavior Essay Motivation refers to the process that drives an organism to behave the way it does. Simply put motivation causes an organism to eat, sleep, and drink and individuals to participate in the activities they find satisfying. Motivation can separate people into two categories optimist and pessimist. Optimists are those looking for the good in situations and pessimists finding the bad. Motivational sources can be described as extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic is the motivation that comes from outside of the individual. Intrinsic is the motivation of an individual that comes from within. Motivation affects an organism’s behavior. Dr. Whitbourne describes six theories in here article from psychology today; instinct, drive reduction, arousal, incentive, cognitive and self-determination. Motivation As defined by, motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is the psychological process that tells humans what to do. A motivation causes humans and other species to drink, eat, play, sleep and reproduce. Without motivation there would be no reason for accomplishing anything. Within the motivation process there are different factors with each individual. Motivation can come in the form of positive motivation and negative motivation. These motivating factors eventually lead to an emotional state within the individual. Generally motivation creates to type of individuals that society recognizes and relates with; optimist and pessimist. Optimistic is disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome, (â€Å"Optimistic,†2012). These are the individuals who tend to have a positive outlook on life. In most cases these individuals are look for the good in every situation. From, pessimistic is pertaining to or characterized as the tendency to expect the worst and see the worst in all things. Pessimists are those individuals who see the worst in everything . Sources of Motivation Extrinsic/Intrinsic Extrinsic is defined by as, not essential or inherent; being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without, (Extrinsic, 2012). Extrinsic motivation is simply that, things that motivate from the external. When looking at individuals who have extrinsic motivation, they tend to not enjoy certain activities, (Huitt, 2011). They tend to be a reward based group and need affirmation from an outside source. Throughout society many people can be found to fit this category of motivation. As shown a person who only writes poems to be submitted to poetry contests as well as a person who does not like sales but accepts a sales position for the amount of money he/she will make, (Psychology, n.d.). Intrinsic is defined by as, belonging to a thing by its very nature; of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent, (Intrinsic, 2012). If extrinsic is from the external, the intrinsic is from within the individual. These individuals to things because it please them and they find the activity enjoyable, (Psychology, n.d.). These people are not concerned as much with what the outside world or society thinks. They are motivated from within. An example shows, playing chess because the individual enjoys effortful thinking, and a person reading a non-fiction book because they are curious about the topic, (Psychology, n.d.). Motivation and Behavior From an article written by Susan Drauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. motivation as the cause of behavior is examined. In her article Dr. Whitbourne discuss insights to explain the complexity of behavior. The instinct theory as Dr. Whitbourne refers to it as the biological set instincts that organisms have, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). These factors are what tell organisms to do in order to survive, such as the lion hunting the antelope or a flock of geese migrating south for the winter. The second she describes is the drive reduction theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). This theory talks about organisms and how they will try to just ensure that their needs are met and not look for anything else, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). The article goes on to discuss how critics argue that if this theory were true no one would do thinks that were considered risky, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). Third Dr. Whitbourne discusses the arousal theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). Arousal theory is the opposite of drive reduction, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). Arousal theory is the motivation which drives individuals to increase their stimulation and seek out things that are exciting and outside just what the individual needs, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011). Dr. Whitbourne goes on to discuss 3 more theories such as the incentive theory, cognitive theory, and the self-determination theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the whys of behavior,† 2011).. Summary Motivation is the process that drives individuals to behave the way they do. Individuals are categorized into two, optimist and pessimist. There are multiple sources of motivations that can be describe as either extrinsic or intrinsic. Whatever the source, individuals are either motivated from within or the world around them. In an article written by Dr. Whitbourne, six theories are described which examine the â€Å"why of behavior.† References Extrinsic. (2012). In Retrieved from Huitt, W. (2011). Motivation to learn: An overview.Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from Intrinsic. (2012). In Retrived from Motivation: the whys of behavior. (2011, October). Fullfillment at Any Age, (), Retrieved from Optimistic. (2012). In Retrieved from Psychology and society. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Explaining the Code Clause of the NMC

Explaining the Code Clause of the NMC The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) of the United Kingdom is a corporate body of professional health care practitioners that form a committee called the council. The function of the NMC is to establish standards for nurses and midwives that will provide guidance in education and training also guidance that are principles and is known as the code (NMC 2002:1). The code is a professional duty that is required to provide care to people, client or patient. It secures peoples rights, decisions and choices during their care (Thompson 2006). To explain the code there are details of principles that practitioners should apply to throughout their daily practice to maintain high standards of how to behave, present one self and the principles shown during the care for people. The first stage of the NMC code clause (NMC 2008:1) state, the people in your care, this applies to people and the public that requires the need for healthcare support in a people centred practice. In order to provide care for these people there should be an understanding as to what care mean, who accessing the services, how the care is implemented by providers, what interventions occur during care and why nurses and midwives should care for these people. It is also important to know why nurses and midwives care but is it the reason because of empowerment, choice, decisions, personal care, safety, financial decisions or is it the obligation of the pledge they have made to become a nurse. The second stage of the clause states, people must be able to trust you with their health and wellbeing and the trust is to know your patient well but how can these patient able to provide that trust and how to communicate with them collaboratively and providing the right information on how to establish that trust. There should be continuity to reinforcing the trust in patient through encouragement, and promotion of their health and wellbeing. Not only does that, it stated that trust is to be justified and reasons why, it is to make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity (NMC 2008:1). Is it by treating people as they are, keeping information confidential and working as a team with families also ensuring patients give their consent but respecting the dignity of people. In discussing the code clause is stated very straightforward to understand but there are challenges introduced to raise expectation of the nurses and midwives bu t keeping up-to-date with technology and encouraging patients to maintain their quality of life. Hence, the purpose of the NMC code is to support nurses and midwives within their role. NMC (2008, p4) states the code protects people that are ill, helpless, vulnerable and requires support in your care. This guidance applies to nurses, midwives, professionals and students. Its purpose is to establish principles for best practice whilst caring of people in all settings (NMC 2009, p5). NMC (2008:1) states that the code has three functions, conduct, performance and ethics. The principles of conduct expresses how nurses are expected to conduct inside and outside the profession, performance is based on the knowledge and skills gained to be confident and consistency to deliver safe practice in the role as a professionals and students. The ethical care are the principles applied towards prioritising patients care which includes concerns, needs and interest for the people. The People in question are the people within your care and they are the one that matters and requires advocacy. Graham (1992 cited in Roper et al 1996) states, advocacy is doing things for patients and nursing has change to a more patient centred care to encourage patient to be more self-sufficiency in making choices and decision about their care. They are the people we refer to as patient, user, individual or client, but their vulnerability requires support from these professionals. Parsons (1951:1987 cited in Stein-Parbury 2005, p9) viewed people as patients or clients and they are ill person with needs for support and advice from professionals, whom they can release all responsibility and decision for their health. However some patient may not be able to make such decision while other patient can be self caring by taking on the role of responsibility for their care Guadagnoli Ward (1998 cited in Stein-Parbury 2005, p.9) Goodman and Clemow (2008) believes that if patient is define d then their value will not be identified. Caring is the spirit of love that is reflected in care, it provides hope for patient of their wellbeing, offering empathy and compassion, by displaying principle and commitment during nursing practice Farmer (1994 cited in Alexander et al 2000:999). Patients have a significant role that is why we put them first but some people are neglected due to barriers by not accessing the service because of isolation and not able to access the information to get the care required. People who are accessing the service are the one that gets the treatment and the service when it is needed (Sale 2005). The process of nursing commence when an assessment is done by gaining as much information about a patient, this is also referred to a nursing diagnosis. The diagnosis is being able to describe the patient problem with the help of the activities of living model for nursing Marks-Maran(1983 cited in Roper et al 1996:57). The model will help identify health issue and the first concern is performing an as sessment to determine if the patient is capable of maintaining a safe environment, able to communicate by the questions asked about daily activities, the level of breathing during physiological measurement, assessment of eating and drinking during meal time and mobility during personal hygiene. From these assessments the nurse is able to identify the actual problem then make a care plan. The care plan includes the problems, goal and intervention. The problem is what the patient admitted with and the goal what the nurse intend to do and intervention should include how the care will be given. The next step is to implement the care by providing the care, including multidisciplinary teams, medication for treatment. An evaluation is made of the patient care against the goal that was set to determine an outcome of achievement if there are changes a re-evaluation can be made of the patients care (Roper et al 1996). The reasons why nurses care are through obligation, ethical and spiritual belief. We cannot as carer avoid the difference in care but why we continue to care is because mainly of three reasons. The first is the pledge we have made as nurses with the obligation to patient (Brykczynska 1997). The pledge is reaffirming the commitment as promised by the nurses and midwives to the people to provide a service to deliver a very high standards of quality in care DH(2010). Secondly, the ethical care of knowing the right question to ask patients when trying to make an important decision or how they should respond when a situation arises but seeing the goodness in the patients (Brykczynska 1997). Nurse use their intuition or inner feeling or just common sense to make decision (Thompson et al 2006:49:50), but as students the knowledge through practical learning teaches to make ethical decisions and remembering from their teachings or the error they should not make by reflecting on the right and wrong to evaluate a good ethical decision. Other ethical reasons to care are, through quality care, a care which is deserved and should be priority in care. The empowerment of patients, by offering the right to make decisions about their care and offering patients choices to develop confidence while receiving hospital care. This confident encourage them to take control of what is happening in their lives. There are difficulties when making choice and being assisted by a nurse is an important decision that will benefit their health. Decisions are important and should involve planning the minute patients are admitted into hospital (Evans and Tippins (2008 cited in E-learning, PEP Module, Decision Making, p.2). The personal care would be assessed following the Roper et al model for nursing. The assessment will include check for safety, nutrition, manual handling and other risk factors. Management has to make decision on staffing team but a team that will provide a balance in the care. The financial decision is important on the expenditure and management of resources to maintain the operation of care but mainly the quality of care for patients. The nurses care is to support spiritual belief by encouraging safe practice during psychosocial distress or pain. Being an active listener, relating to the patient and answering their question truthfully could be comfort or relief for the patient. Anon (2005 cited in Thompson et al 2006), states that nursing is the balm that nourish your restless spirit, while other patients thinks that a balm could solve the problem to their pain. In order for people to trust you, being knowledgeable about the patient is the first step to patients care and being able to communicate and interaction will establishing a relationship that will help to provide a clear understand to the individual. All data must be up-to-date and accurate about the patients care and information should be available for feedback to the patients. The balance in the healthcare is to respect the confidentiality of patients information that they share and through commitment of trust (Hinchliff 2008). A professional relationship is looking after the patients interest and taking on issues of consent, respect, confidentiality but utilising the practical skill, experience and knowledge accordingly. The offering of informed consent is giving permission but the professional line must not be overstepped. Hinchliff (2008:193) Jonsdottir et al.; Gallant et al. (2004;2002 cited in Stein-Parbury 2005, p.9) states that patient and their healthcares needs to work in p artnership during care. DH (2008,p3) reported that people should working collaboratively as a team which includes patient and their families, nursing staff, social carer and the public. Therefore collaborative work with a multi-professional team provides a wider care to patients by communicating with teams and individuals with different training background who shares a common goal to offer a service that include nurses, doctors, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, social workers, dieticians, speech and language therapist, pharmacist, psychologist, ward clerks, cleaner, healthcare assistance, staff management, midwives and IT Technical Support Staff that can be trusted. (Marshall et al (1979 cited in E-learning, PEP Module, Working with others 2009/2010:3). Trust is ethical values that are accepted in the best interest of patients and giving truthful answers to questions about their health. This is what patients expect but a positive behaviour is what inspires the trust from the patient. It is important to ensuring patient is informed to establish trust then in time the patient can be open to reveal information that will help their health and wellbeing (Hinchliff et al. 2008). DH(2010) reported that peoples trust has been destabilised due to poor performance of practice, he believes that with commitment of teamwork trust can be regained. A proposal was made stating that nurses and midwives should reaffirm their commitments to care. The aim of this proposal is to reinforce the trust and confidence in people which will also help to maintain their health and wellbeing. If the patient is ill or well their health should still be promoted with a balance in care and the approach of individuals with psychosocial dilemmas. The nurses role is imp ortant and along with their performance which reflect in the care given to patient. Nurses can maintaining their health and wellbeing by accepting the right support which will result in improvement in practices and wellbeing of patients. To maintain the quality of health and wellbeing for patients the initial care should begin within patients own environment with their family. Living a healthy life is manageable by people who are confident, strong and receiving support from other whilst others struggle to maintain their health due to difficulties in accessing support or refusing to accept any form of support. The NHS mentioned that a strategy is designed to include the care in communities by local authorities and care partners, to help make social changes for the people with the aim of reducing unhealthy living (DH, 2008). The NHS requires people to gain access to the treatment that is most effective for their health. The NICE guidance purpose is to promote health and wellbeing and evaluate the intervention during care. It is stated that treatment should be given to patient after an assessment by a competent and experience nurse (NICE, 2008) providing the patient offer consent to care and in return nurses respecting the patients right to make the choice they desire. A competent nurse role is having awareness but to provide a plan that reflect and analyse the problem. The nurse should be able to cope well from being organised to achieving efficiency during management of nursing care (Benner 1984). Patient safety should be the top of priority for quality care. The trust is gained by maintaining patients safety and one example is to reduce any infectious disease within their environment and safety include the healthcare who are the people that provides care (DH,2008). The nursing team is expected to respect individuals and their families, not to discriminate during care and avoiding any risk or threat to the right or safety of any patient (NMC 2004). We can assume nurses do care but the obligation that nurses have is through the contract of obligation when they first make the pledge to work as nurses. The nurses role involves the concept of care which is to provide a service to patient that is caring, the first stage of learning is from their parents, friends and experiences in life and the training received will improve their caring skills (Brykczynska1997). To be treated as an individual is treating a person with ethical principles such as respecting the rights, autonomy and dignity of patients also to promote the patients well-being (Thompson et al 2006). To offer patient advice on methods to help prevent ill-health and by promoting positive way of living and to have power of owns health (Wills 2007). The patients right during quality care are their entitlement to shorter waiting time for treatment. A targeting system has to be implemented that will motivates nurses to listen to patents and the public to meet their expectation. Patient has the right to have good communication to ensure they understand the treatment to be received (DH 2009). Reflecting on experience with patient whilst working as a student during placement, some of the principles that had to be delivered are respecting patients privacy when washing or dressing by pulling curtains and closing doors and knocking the door before entering patients environment. The rights of patients choice must be acknowledged and not to disclose patients confidentiality which is respecting human rights and dignity. Also patient should have the right to make choices during meal time of what to eat and when to eat or the choice to refuse medication but it is the nurses role to encourage the patient and possible giving more time and listening to reason for refusing medication DH (2010). Walsh and Kowanko 2002, cited in Dougherty and Lister 2008, enquired with patient about describing their dignity and how they expect to be treated with respect, however patients wanted dignity to include being patience and spending more time to listen and acknowledge patients views and considering the reasons for patients emotions. DH 2010) states that nurses must be accountable for their actions, thinking of patients interest, protecting the dignity of patient regardless of choices but treating with equal concerns and respecting belief. Nurses and midwives should find the NMC guidance really straightforward, depending on the level of role and responsibilities, however Tschudin and Jasper (2006; 2002) states, that the NMC code of practice will not be straightforward to escape difficult situation during care. A student nurse or a registered nurse with limited or no experience of a new setting and will begin their role as a novice and requires support by the policies of the workplace along with the NMC code rules to guide their performance during their role of practice. The advance beginner will be able to perform acceptable because of the experience gained and put into practice the principles learnt but taking their role very important. A competent nurse who is experienced for two to three years is a more aware nurse that plans and analyses but needs to develop speed within role. The proficient nurse learns from his or her experiences, reflecting in action and is able to make effective decision immediately. The expert nurse has a very knowledgeable background, remembers patients, recognises changes and manages clinical decision within his or her patients care (Brenner 1984:20-32). The changes that have been made of the framework for the Nursing and Midwifery Council are more straightforward to understand during the professional development of nurses duties and their role of responsibilities. The aim of the code is to protect the health and wellbeing of patients. It will be a continuous development in practice (Hinchliff 2008). The change in the guidelines can cause indecision and could cause unnecessary stress for individuals (Lewis 1951, cited in McEwen and Wills 2007). The use of the Roy Adaptation model could be used as a guide by manager to help nurses become more educate about the changes to the guidelines (McEwan and Wills 2007). Changes however, could cause the guidelines to create challenges for nurses role by raising the expectation also expecting continuous development of the way they should work by providing quality care that will help to extend the life span of patients. Nurses should keep up-to-date with the new technology of accessing patients information by taking on additional training. The challenge for nurses is to encourage patients to improve their health and wellbeing by accepting interventions that will improve their quality of life but not under mind patients choices. The improvement of knowledge about the advancement of treatment and broader area of intervention and increasing standards will result in improved outcomes. High quality work for staff and patient is difficult but ensuring skills are up-to-date and not ignored but the quality of the workplace comes with excellent leadership management that is beneficial for patients wellbeing DH (2010). In summary, the code expects profession conduct from all nurses and midwives during their performance in all situations and should reflect good principles of ethical practice. These ethical principles will deliver the right care and should include patient spiritual belief. The belief in providing the right care is reflected in the roles and responsibility of nurses and midwives, this is very important and a huge responsibility to be in a caring profession. The pathway from a novice to expert requires knowledge and continuous development. Whether or not the guidelines of the code appear simple the NMC has revised the code to make it more straight forward for nurses and midwives to understand and implement into practice of care. Caring is about identifying the people who may be patient, client or individuals and treating them with equal concerns, respecting the diversity of people that are able to access the service. These patients are vulnerable and require trust, security and the pro spect of improving their health and wellbeing and need to make the right decisions and choices whether good or bad but gaining informed consent. The dignity of patient should be respected at all times and gaining consent is an approval of trust to provide care but remaining within the professional boundaries. To ensuring this occurs, the respect for privacy is maintained whilst providing care of personal hygiene. Nurses make diagnosis during patient care with the help of a useful nursing model to gain information from patient which must be kept confidential. Keeping information confidential is a way of showing patient their trust is being respected. Nurses are hoping to maintain the trust that builds partnerships with patient and families that will including the professionals collaboratively to develop the patients health and wellbeing. The NICE guidance is to promote health and wellbeing for patients medication and the NHS (2010:9) promised, to promote high quality care for all. The code should not be difficult but it is a challenge that healthcare professional will work towards by raising the standards to give more power to patient in making decision about their care and safety. It is the nurses and midwives obligation of the pledge they have made to continue reinforcing care and the support will come from managers by providing the training to broaden the knowledge of our professional. The changes will require higher expectation and a service that is keeping up with technology. A change that will be challenging for nurses and midwives is to encourage patient to maintain their life span through health promotion. The code has its fulfilling purpose which is the responsibility to provide guidance to nurses and midwives, of the care that should be given within the professional role.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Patrick Ferguson Battle of Kings Moutnain :: essays papers

Patrick Ferguson Battle of Kings Moutnain ï » ¿Patrick Ferguson was a cavalry leader of the British army. He joined the army at the age of 14 and by the time the Scotsman came to America to fight patriots he had become a respected, yet controversial leader. He taught his men guerrilla warfare and used camouflage during battles. This made traditional military leaders feel spite towards him because he had broken from the conventional formations. Ferguson was also a great marksman, reputed to be the best shot in the British military. Because of this he had little respect for the smooth bored â€Å"Brown Bess† musket that was used by Red Coats in America. He invented a breech loading rifle with a grooved barrel. This provided a firearm that was very accurate and could be reloaded without standing. Ferguson came to America with a small army. Before challenging General Washington’s men in a battle, Ferguson had the opportunity to kill the General, but wouldn’t take the shot because he felt a man of his stature did not deserve to die from a shot in the back. During the ensuing battle, Ferguson took a bullet in the right elbow and after the battle, argued with surgeons who wanted to amputate the arm. Ferguson kept the crippled arm and took nine months to recover. He taught himself to fence with his left hand and now carried a silver whistle that he used to signal his men. Ferguson traveled though the souther colonies recruiting sympathizers of the crown for his army and he traveled with two women, both of which were named Virginia. Ferguson met his demise on October 7, 1780 at the battle of Kings Mountain. After fighting a losing battle against separatist forces Ferguson was shot by several patriots. It is said that the force from seven musket balls lifted him out of his saddle where he died after being pulled by his horse. My opinion of Patrick Ferguson is that he was a great military genius. He tried to abandon old methods of warfare my adopting guerrilla tactics. He was a leader that his men respected and would follow willingly into battle. The instance were he had George

Risk Management Essay -- Business Management

Risk is a commonly used term and its usually liked with bad impacts on our objectives. The Oxford English Dictionary define risk as â€Å" a chance or possibility of danger, loss, injury or other adverse consequences†. There is no agreeable technical definition of risk as it went through many developments. The first stage was the management of threats only then the term is extended to cover the threats and the opportunities which face the organisations. The latest stage which is the management of the threats, opportunities, uncertainties and its sources. Of uncertainty (Ward and Chapmen, 2003). Therefore, Dowie argues to banned use the term â€Å"risk† in the risk management because of its misleading. The definition will be used in this paper is the Australia/New Zealand standard definition which is "The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives" (Australia/New Zealand Standard, 1999). The reasons of using this definition are the simplicities and the coverage of the negative and positive effects on objectives. Risk management has been done for thousands of years (Bernstein, 1996). The Risk management term was first introduced in the 1950s by the insurance industry. The first text book published about risk management in 1963 titled Risk management and the Business Enterprise by Robert I. Mehr and Bob Hedges (D’Arcy and Brogan, 2001). Risk management is a integrated process and risk manger need to assist the company’s business process are constant with its strategies, and the what is the relation between risk management and the investment and performance choices (Nocco and Stulz, 2006). Organisations should develop a risk management long term strategies depending on the business environment and shareholders an... ...ment guide 2001. London: White Page. Hodgkinson, R. (2001). Enterprise-wide risk management . Risk management guide 2001, London: White Page. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), (2004). Enterprise Risk Management—Integrated Framework. New York: COSO. Beasley, M. Clune, R. And Hermanson, D. (2005), Enterprise risk management: An empirical analysis of factors associated with the extent of implementation. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 24. pp. 521-531 Kleffner, A., Lee, R., McGannon, B., (2003). The effect of corporate governance on the use of enterprise risk management: evidence from Canada. Risk Management and Insurance Review 6 (1), pp.53–73. Liebenberg, A., Hoyt, R., (2003). The determinants of enterprise risk management: evidence from the appointment of chief risk officers. Risk Management and Insurance Review 6 (1), pp. 37–52.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Forced Busing does NOT Work :: essays papers

Forced Busing does NOT Work There are many reasons why forced busing is not an adequate way to solve the segregation problem caused in the early twentieth century. For example, many minorities are against forced busing. In Milwaukee, sixty six percent of the urban population is against forced busing (Williams and Borsuk, 1999). This is very surprising considering that minorities are the very people that forced busing is aimed at helping. Why would minorities despise a program designed to benefit them? Busing minorities to primarily white schools is basically telling minorities that they can’t be educated adequately without sitting next to white people (Kreyche, 1992). This is extremely degrading for minorities. Professor Kevin Brown who has completed many studies concerning forced busing concludes that the initial reason behind forced busing was fewer resources in black schools. Brown states that the current reason for forced busing is the absence of white students in black schools. Forcing students of different ethnic backgrounds to sit next to each other is by no means integration (Coeyman, 1998). This practice is actually creating a hot zone for racism. Studies have shown that elementary school children seem to be unaffected by race. However, once these children become middle and high school students, society seems to come down on them and the students align themselves along racial boundaries (Amor, 1995) . Mandated busing gives the impression that whites are superior and blacks are inferior because the government tells them that blacks needs whites to receive an education. This argument comes to a head when the students sit next to each other in a high school class. The recent studies conducted by the American Psychological Association are not the first to focus the factors that influence how people learn. The vast majority of the studies show that the main factors influencing learning are biological factors and family conditions. Researchers have concluded that students are born with different learning capacities, which are reinforced by the way their families feel about education. Students who come from families with one parent or a family with a parent or sibling involved with crime tend to learn at a slower pace than do children who come from families with two parents. Minority students come from â€Å"broken homes† more often than do white students. Hence, the conditions within the school may not be the reason for lower test scores among minorities.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Essay

* Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- is the market value of all goods and services within a country in a period of time (Hindsight). * Real GDP- account for changes in the price level, an adjusted measure compared to Nominal GDP. * Nominal GDP- When a GDP figures that has not been adjusted for inflation. * Unemployment Rate- The rate is measure of unemployment citizens by dividing the number of unemployed by all currently employed. * Inflation Rate- Prices of items and services is rising, while purchasing power is in decline. * Interest Rate- The interest is paid by borrowers for the use of money they borrow from a loan lender. Part 2 An example would be food stamps sales and the groceries affects. A household family relies on the food stamps received from the American government, therefore used at the local Piggly Wiggly when buying the food. For someone who works for local government a massive layoff of employees is less likely. However, as an employed worker you are working harder for less money. A impact on retirement savings such as government cashing out citizens 401k’s. The government giving less money for grants for school or improvements on roadways, and fewer services provided to the citizens. A tax decrease will increase disposable income in a household. Disposable income is the main factor driving consumer demands. As a business, it encourages risk taking, hiring more employees, and even entrepreneurship. Government could have the opposite effect. Lowering taxes could mean cuts in department and services provided to the public. Reference Hindsight. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Remember the Titans Essay

In the movie â€Å"Remember the Titans,† there were major racial difficulties between black and white students. This was during a time when the school had just been integrated to allow blacks into the school and the high school football team. These challenges helped the Titans grow as a team and made them more co-operative and successful. The difficulties of a multiracial team were overcome with the assistance of democratic and authoritarian coaching styles, motivational skills, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the perception of the athletes and coaches. Because of these actions, the Titans were able to defeat the challenges they were faced with as a team and come out superior. The authoritarian coaching style, demonstrated mostly by coach Boon, helped the team become more cohesive and strong. He believed in perfection, pushing his athletes to the limit, and being in control. During practices, if an athlete made a mistake they would have to run laps as a punishment. Sometimes during games, it seemed like all he cared about was winning. On one occasion, coach Yoast decided to show this style of coaching by getting angry at a referee for making unfair calls on their team. Authoritarian coaching styles encourage control but can be very effective when trying to coach a large team or complete tasks. Another coaching style, which the assistant coach Yoast tended to use, was democratic. He noticed that coach Boon was being extremely rough on the football players and told him that some athletes do not respond well to humiliation and put-downs. This shows that coach Yoast was concerned about the well-being of his athletes, not just their success. On the last game of the season, coach Boon decided to have a more democratic view of coaching. He told the team to â€Å"try their best† instead of demanding perfection. This is a friendlier approach but it seems that he has almost given up all hope of winning by saying what he did. Democratic coaching styles made the athletes feel useful and motivated to do their best, but sometimes they can encourage lower levels of aggression when used in the wrong way. The athletes, coaches and the team itself, helped motivate the Titans for games and practices. Coach Boon used threats and reprimands in an attempt to  get the athletes to get along with each other. This did not work effectively since the athletes did not like him very much, so they were not motivated to listen. Threats benefit the athletes when they trust and respect the coach. The coaches pumped-up the team before the game by prep-talking the athletes with lots of positive comments. The body language and optimism of the coaches motivated the team to try their hardest. The Titans performed a unique entrance and warm-up, in order to intimidate the opposing teams and to motivate them for the game. This also lowered the athletes’ levels of anxiety and helped them get to a good state of arousal. As you can see, all types of motivation are important when a team is trying to overcome a obstacle. A psychological key in team success or defeat is self-fulfilling prophecy. This occurs when a coach focuses on positive or negative aspects of an athlete and the athlete ends up believing it is the truth. A prime example of this was Petey; he was a learned helplessness athlete who did not respond well to negative remarks about himself. Coach Boon always picked on his weaknesses and put him down for not being perfect. Petey believed everything coach Boon said until coach Yoast took him aside, gave him positive compliments, and told him to play defense for him in a game. Petey ended up improving in his performance and felt better about himself afterwards. This shows that some athletes respond differently to certain actions and it affects the team’s co-cooperativeness. It is important to have many views on a situation to come up with the best answer. The perception of the athletes and coaches helped in the success and encouragement of the team. At football camp, in order to try to make the team members get along, coach Boon took the team to Gettysburg to teach them about the war between the blacks and whites. Instead of the threats and many long practices, this made the athletes realize that the situation was not worth being angry at each other and they began to work more cohesively as a team. When coach Boon looked at the situation in a different way, he came out with a desired result. Another example was both coaches used each of their views on game plays to come up with the master game plans. By working together and combining both perceptions, the game plans were deeply thought  out and worked well. Experimenting with alternative perceptions and helping others look at situations in other ways improved the team’s cohesiveness on and off the field. In conclusion, many factors work together to assist in overcoming challenges. These difficulties helped the Titans grow as a team and made them more co-operative and successful. In this case, democratic and authoritarian coaching styles, motivational skills, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the perception of the athletes and coaches helped to solve the racial conflicts of a high school football team. Not only did the problem get resolved, but the Titans were victorious in the end.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

“Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley Essay

â€Å"Ozymandias† (pron.: /ËÅ'É’ziˈmà ¦ndiÉ™s/,[2] also pronounced with four syllables in order to fit the poem’s meter) is a sonnet by Percy Bysshe Shelley, published in 1818 in the 11 January issue of The Examiner in London. It is frequently anthologised and is probably Shelley’s most famous short poem. It was written in competition with his friend Horace Smith, who wrote another sonnet entitled â€Å"Ozymandias† seen below. In addition to the power of its themes and imagery, the poem is notable for its virtuosic diction. The rhyme scheme of the sonnet is unusual and creates a sinuous and interwoven effect. Contents 1 Analysis 2 Publication history 3 Smith’s poem 4 Cultural influence 5 References 6 Further reading 7 External links [edit]Analysis 1817 draft by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Bodleian Library Percy Bysshe Shelley’s 1817 fair copy, Bodleian Library The central theme of â€Å"Ozymandias† is the inevitable decline of all leaders, and of the empires they build, however mighty in their own time. The ‘Younger Memnon’ statue of Ramesses II in the British Museum thought to have inspired the poem Ozymandias represents a transliteration into Greek of a part of Ramesses’ throne name, User-maat-re Setep-en-re. The sonnet paraphrases the inscription on the base of the statue, given by Diodorus Siculus in his Bibliotheca historica, as â€Å"King of Kings am I, Osymandias. If anyone would know how great I am and where I lie, let him surpass one of my works.†[5][6] Shelley’s poem is often said to have been inspired by the 1821 arrival in London of a colossal statue of Ramesses II, acquired for the British Museum by the Italian adventurer Giovanni Belzoni in 1816. Rodenbeck and Chaney, however,[8] point out that the poem was written and  published before the statue arrived in Britain, and thus that Shelley could not have seen it. Its repute in Western Europe preceded its actual arrival in Britain (Napoleon had previously made an unsuccessful attempt to acquire it for France, for example), and thus it may have been its repute or news of its imminent arrival rather than seeing the statue itself which provided the inspiration. The 2008 edition of the travel guide Lonely Planet’s guide to Egypt says that the poem was inspired by the fallen statue of Ramesses II at the Ramesseum, a memorial temple built by Ramesses at Thebes, near Luxor in Upper Egypt. This statue, however, does not have â€Å"two vast and trunkless legs of stone†, nor does it have a â€Å"shattered visage† with a â€Å"frown / And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command.† Nor does the base of the statue at Thebes have any inscription, although Ramesses’s cartouche is inscribed on the statue itself. Among the earlier senses of the verb â€Å"to mock† is â€Å"to fashion an imitation of reality† (as in â€Å"a mock-up†),[10] but by Shelley’s day the current sense â€Å"to ridicule† (especially by mimicking) had come to the fore. This sonnet is often incorrectly quoted or reproduced.[11] The most common misquotation – â€Å"Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!† – replaces the correct â€Å"on† with â€Å"upon†, thus turning the regular decasyllabic (iambic pentameter) verse into an 11-syllable line. Publication history Both Percy Bysshe Shelley and Horace Smith submitted a sonnet on the subject to The Examiner published by Leigh Hunt in London. Shelley’s was published on January 11, 1818 under the pen name Glirastes, appearing on page 24 under Original Poetry. Smith’s was published, with the initials H.S., on February 1, 1818. Shelley’s poem was later republished under the title â€Å"Sonnet. Ozymandias† in his 1819 collection Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems by Charles and James Ollier and in the 1826 Miscellaneous and Posthumous Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley by William Benbow, both in London. Smith’s poem IN Egypt’s sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desert knows:— â€Å"I am great OZYMANDIAS,† saith the stone, â€Å"The King of Kings; this mighty City shows â€Å"The wonders of my hand.†Ã¢â‚¬â€ The City’s gone,— Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose The site of this forgotten Babylon. We wonder,—and some Hunter may express Wonder like ours, when thro’ the wilderness Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace, He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess What powerful but unrecorded race Once dwelt in that annihilated place. – Horace Smith.[13] Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote this poem in competition with his friend Horace Smith, who published his sonnet a month after Shelley’s in the same magazine.[14] It takes the same subject, tells the same story, and makes a similar moral point, but one related more directly to modernity, ending by imagining a hunter of the future looking in wonder on the ruins of an annihilated London. It was originally published under the same title as Shelley’s verse; but in later collections Smith retitled it â€Å"On A Stupendous Leg of Granite, Discovered Standing by Itself in the Deserts of Egypt, with the Inscription Inserted Below†. Cultural influence The poem has made numerous appearances in popular culture, and has significantly influenced the production of new creative works. For example, Terry Carr’s science fiction short story Ozymandias was inspired by the poem, as was the song Ozymandias by Jean-Jacques Burnel. Edward Elgar began setting the poem to music, but never finished it. The best-known setting appears to be that in Russian for baritone by the Ukrainian composer Borys Lyatoshynsky. On television, Monty Python’s Flying Circus featured a humorous parody named â€Å"Ozymandias, King of Ants†, and the Beauty and the Beast episode titled Ozymandias included a reading of the entire poem. Writer Alan Moore named a superhero in the comic book miniseries Watchmen after Ozymandias, and overtly quoted the poem; and the alternative rock group Sisters of Mercy wrote the song Ozymandias which appeared on the B side of the 1987 single Dominion/Mother Russia from the album Floodland.  Short excerpts of the poem, or references to its title, have appeared in a variety of other contexts including the set for the Closing Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games on 12 August 2012.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Last Chance Securities Essay

Situation: The IT director opened the department staff meeting today by saying â€Å"I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that management approved the pay- roll system project this morning. The new system will reduce clerical time and errors, improve morale in the payroll department, and avoid possible fines and penalties for noncompliance. The bad news is that the system must be installed by the end of December in order to meet new federal reporting rules, costs must be within the bud- geted amount, the new system must interact with existing systems, and the vice presi- dent of finance insists on approving the final design.† 1. Name the constraints and indicate whether each is present, future, internal, external, mandatory, or desirable. The Constraints are: IT Director (internal), new system (future), Approved payroll system project (present), Cost (future), management (internal), approving the final design (mandatory), reduce clerical time and errors (desirable), improve morale (desirable), payroll department (internal), the budgeted amount (mandatory), avoid possible fines and penalties for noncompliance (desirable), must interact with existing systems (mandatory), vice president (external), good news (internal), bad news (internal) 2. Explain why it is important to define the payroll project’s scope. Explain how to define project scope. You will define project scope by identifying what initiated the request for a new product or service. It’s useful to quantify objectives–â€Å"This service will increase the end user’s efficiency by 15%.† It’s a good idea to characterize difficulties you’ve experienced without the product or service and what will happen if the project is not approved. You must describe what you are creating, how much money you will need, how much time it will take, and how many people you will need. The authorizing body will also want to know the limitations of your project as well as the risks involved. It is important to define the payroll project’s scope, because scope is bound to change, and this is to be expected. As the detail becomes clearer, more complications creep in. These are not foreseeable at the start and hopefully  we build in a contingency for what we cannot see. The scope changes that usually cause problems are those where the perception of what was in and out of scope was different between various parties. The Project Manager assumed there would only be four or five reports, and the business assumed ten to twenty. Nobody felt it was worth talking about because they assumed the other person thought the same way they did. 3. Identify tangible and intangible benefits of the new payroll system. Tangible benefits- avoid possible fines and penalties for Noncompliance, costs must be within the budgeted amount. Intangible benefits- reduce clerical time and errors, improve morale, new federal reporting rules. 4. What topics should be included in a report to management at the end of the preliminary investigation? The topics that should be included in a report to management at the end of the preliminary investigation are: †¢ The scope †¢ Present vs. Future †¢ Internal vs. External †¢ Mandatory vs. Desirable †¢ Analysis †¢ Project usability, cost, benefit, and schedule data.