Thursday, February 28, 2019

The History of Bradford

Bradford began as a minute village but at the turn of the nineteenth degree centigrade the people increased at a rapid rate, this lead to death pass judgment to augment which meant that a exciseyard was urgently needed. Time took its toll and vitality in Bradford became worse and by 1854 the Undercliffe sepulture ground was created. This cemetery contains such facets that ar genuinely idiosyncratic and display prissy life- epoch in a unique way.The of import focus of this paper will be on the different buckle under births of the target and how they support and contradict the straitlaced set and attitudes, on with my research I will as well be extracting evidence from the sepulchre ground and analysing both primary and secondary sources in order to drive bulge out how the situation has interpreted and sh possess the twee attributes Value 1 companionable Status For those in the stop number categoryes of society etiquette was an essential way of living, Victorian society was prominently concerned about every aspect of their life. From the issue the upper-class left their beds their day was ruled over by numerous dos and donts.Victorian society although may carry been strict on an array of rules, it could also be kinda lovable but only depending on your financial status. The cemetery itself supports the idea of the game class holding onto their social fructify for example in site 4 the Illingworth mausoleum portrays legion(predicate) characteristics such as the tomb itself being strengthened inside with lavish marble in order to keep the bodies feeble and the sphinx guarding the tomb gives the impression that they were in several(prenominal) cases showing off that they had traveled to a foreign country.This mausoleum in particular is a great feature of the cemetery that represents how serious social status was to the Victorians this is because the tomb itself contains such descriptive detail that evidently shows the Il lingworths were bugger offning to show their status in society. Their grave counts to show their splendour and wealth due to its intricate excogitation and detail such as the sphinx.This evidence of the illingworths mausoleum is a stark(a) example of how the cemetery contains a feature which supports the Victorian comforts and attitudes regarding the social status of the upper class Victorians. While gathering my evidence of the Victorian values I came across a source in form of an image that in some aspects supports as well as contradicts the way the cemetery has portrayed social status and social class. A painting by J.Ritchie which was produced in 1858 that goes by the name of A passs day in Hyde Park contains various activities that tush be seen and amidst them various people that portray different classes in 19th century society. Although this source was written four years after the cemetery was created it provides in coifory substantiation that the affluent citizens w anted to stand out so they ar painted with a white colour bringing out their importance whereas the spielers and servants are daubed with a dull colour which shows how they were kept in the dreary and were not to be seen.A want with the rich being highlighted the image brings out some metaphorical evidence which can be seen within Undercliffe Cemetery, in the painting the upper class are placed in the shopping centre of the image this idea supports the cemetery because the rich are in feature the nearly ov durationbundant and are placed within the centre of the sepulchre ground to show their importance.Social status was a very important value that the Victorians held onto it was their way of expressing who they were, the cemeterys features can in accompaniment support the idea of social status being one of the main features that are thoroughly explained, this source in particular has added to my generaliseing that this interment ground is in occurrence categorised and c ertain sites within the cemetery were only for certain classes. My own research on the source and on social status gives the impression that the cemetery supports the indication of Victorian society being very cautious on their title and position.Value 2 Family Values Although position in society was of importance to Victorians they also had other value which can be seen throughout the cemetery this was their family. There were globey rules regarding the family which would consist of the father being the head of the gayse and he was always to be obeyed. In public, children were expected to be seen and not heard. At Undercliffe Cemetery I observed a tomb located in site 3 which belonged to The Behrens family, they had decided to include everybodys name that was in their family implying that they were every buried together.This grave brings out a feature of the cemetery that supports that family values were an important gene in the Victorian life. It also provides evidence that this value was seen as some importance due to the way it was shown in the cemetery. The family during the 19th century was very similar between the Upper and middle class but also differed in hum whatever ways. Each member of the family had its own place and children were taught to know their place Most days the middle and upper class children saw very little of their parents.The children would spend most of their clock time in the nursery and would be brought up by their nanny. This information helps me view insight into a childs life from an opulent earth it shows how the family values in Victorian times were very stringent and the cemetery doesnt give any evidence of the luxurious wealthy having this shape of background it only shows the extravagance of the sculpture and this enquiry on the literal rules on family etiquette was something no outsider was expected to know about.Although family values did appear to be harsh a very well-known British painter named William P owell Frith did a very good depiction of how important family was to the average Victorian family. His painting which was produced in 1856 and is named many a(prenominal) happy returns of the day suggests that Friths individualized life was happy and only secretive. It shows that although the ordain forwardhold was important to the man of the house this didnt deter him away from the Victorian imposition.This interpretation of Victorian hypocrisy can be seen in the corner of the painting near the man himself he is seen sat next to another mistress with children from him, this suggests that family values simply couldnt ease up been as important to the husband as he may have made them out to be and scandals such as these were something that should have been avoided at completely costs. This exact source regarding values of family in various ways contradicts what the cemetery is trying to display.The source has given me a different sort of extrapolateing that the cemetery does nt provide although the burial ground shows one grave with family values its the source that shows the authoritative life of Victorians whereas Undercliffe cemetery has a feature that although stands out it doesnt degree centigrade% give accurate evidence of the importance of family values to Victorians. Value 3 PaternalismMany husbands in the Victorian epoch were considered to be paternalists they look atd that they were the men of the house and women were seen as inferior ones. This notion of men being the dominant can clearly be seen at the cemetery and it therefore makes it a very distinctive feature. While canvass the memorial park I came across both graves in particular one which supported the Victorian value in respects to paternalism but another which totally controverted paternalism.These two people were in fact located on the main street in site 3. Firstly Robert Milligan who was a merchant and had been the MP of Bradford had a grave which was mostly dedicated to him and a small memoir regarding his wife, not only did this reveal vanity it also showed how he believed he was the man in charge and how mediocre his wife was compared to him. On the other give a middle class man who owns the tallest pedestal within the cemetery had decided to put his wife first his name is in fact William Sharp.He was not a paternalist but in fact quite the opposite. Paternalism was a value within the Victorian times that every man governed over, the cemetery corroborates that paternalism was in fact a facet that helps one understand where men were within society. In a more general format the cemeterys main feature shows that paternalism was the most dominant element of the Victorian life due to the various graves that begin with the husbands or fathers name first.Another source which was observed at the cemetery itself was William sharps grave it gainsays the cemetery as being paternalist as he decided to put his wifes name first. This displays a man who had gone against some ways of how a Victorian had lived, firstly he wasnt an upper class gentlemen yet he is the one who worked his way to the top. This grave helps me apprehend that not everybody followed all the rules in the Victorian times some people wanted to work in order to be in a higher position in life and didnt want to feel like they were divinatory to be a certain way In order to capable in.Even though being the man in charge, William sharp matt-up that his wife had the same equal rights as him and that even if he was dominant she was his wife and he loved her. In order to show his center he may have decided to place her name out front his. Paternalism does stand out well in the cemetery and William Sharps grave does thus provide evidence that some Victorians in terms of paternalism shouldnt be generalised as not all men believed to be the most dominant in the house. Value 4 Role of WomenWhile studying the site at Undercliffe Cemetery another Victorian value which I believe is a feature of the cemetery that stands out is the role of women, the site shows me that women were considered to be nothing but an ornament for one to admire, the many graves that were at the cemetery began with the husbands name this interpreted that women were seen as sub-standard compared to the males. I researched upgrade into what life was like for genuine Victorian woman and the rights were very appalling.To begin with women werent given any suffrage rights, they werent given any rights to own property and education for them wasnt considered important as long as they could get a husband. This Victorian value helps me understand that life for Victorian women was quite limited they were only allowed to do certain things and were considered to be feminine and courteous. An extract from Mrs Beetons book which talks about household trouble and reinforces the role of women and how they should set a timetable for every aspect of their daily life.She begins by saying As the comman der of an army, or the leader of any enterprise, so it is with the mistress of a house This woman is trying to explain that although women arent superior they still have the command over the house and its their occupation to make sure everything is in order. This source helps me understand that during the Victorian times the woman was supposed to keep herself busy and at the same time avoid doing chores or getting involved in business, finance or even politics they were allowed to have social gatherings and plan parties but they werent allowed to venture into the world of work.The cemetery shows that women were inferior but it doesnt give any more information of what women went through during the Victorian times therefore it in some ways supports the cemetery. This value in the Victorian era helps me understand through both the sources and my own research that women did not perk up any equality and to some extent the cemetery supports this evidence.In finish to all of the above V ictorian values in which I have studied I can say that there are many features of Undercliffe Cemetery that support the attributes and many sources that were from that period of time that support and also contradict evidence seen at the cemetery. In my opinion I believe that although the burial grounds features display Victorian attitudes and values to some extent they are quite inaccurate as they dont give the full information as the true insight into the Victorian life. Therefore I believe that my own study of the sources and research has helped me understand the features of the cemetery that stand out.

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